It is with great excitement that we announce the appointment of Mikael Lillvik as the new CEO of Key
Even though his business decisions require a great deal of analysis and critical thinking, he always makes his career decisions with his heart.
- I have always made my career decisions with my heart. I know when it feels right, and when it does, that’s when I know it’s the right decision. I have felt that strange feeling twice in my working life, and now, 30 years later, I still can’t explain it. Applying for the CEO position at Keymet was the third time I felt that overwhelmingly strong feeling.
When he met Janne during the job interview, Janne asked Mikael why he applied for this job. Mikael’s answer was innocently simple.
- I don’t know, it just felt right. I am convinced that it has to feel right, to make sense both in your head and heart, in order to retain your motivation and inspiration to work hard and be goal-oriented. My first step as CEO is to get to know everyone and to keep building our team. I strongly believe that humility, hard work, and leading with the heart is the key to success.
- I feel happy and grateful to get Mikael on board as the new CEO of Keymet, Janne says. During the last few years, we have, together with the staff, developed Keymet into a modern company that we can be very proud of today.
Continuous improvement, development, and automation of both products and processes have made it possible to deliver high-quality products to big, international customers, Janne continues.
- I will continue as chairman at Keymet and look forward to working with Mikael and the board to take Keymet forward. At the same time, I hope to spend more time with my family, and who knows what exciting new projects are coming up, says Janne with a smile.
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