Laser marking

We use advanced machinery to deliver precise laser marking with exceptional accuracy. Our services ensure reliable results, whether you're looking to engrave intricate patterns, detailed serial numbers, or critical product information. As your partner, you can count on us to consistently meet your expectations with the highest quality outcomes.

Screen printing on sheet metal and other materials

With years of experience, we offer silk screen printing on sheet metal and other materials with high accuracy and precision. At Keymet, we are skilled in printing everything from intricate patterns to logos and other markings on metal components for customers across various industries. We ensure that your metal products are printed exactly according to your specifications.

electronics laser

Your partner for silk screen printing and laser marking 

Discover unmatched precision with our laser marking and screen printing services. We elevate the look of your metal components with intricate, high-quality markings and prints, customized to your exact specifications. Reach out to us to explore how our expertise in silk screen printing and laser marking can meet your needs.

Laser marking and screen printing for demanding industries

At Keymet, we have many years of experience providing high-precision laser marking and screen printing services to businesses in complex industries worldwide. Trust us for expert laser marking and screen printing services tailored to your needs.

aerospace detail assembly

aerospace detail assembly

organized parts for electronics

organized parts for electronics

areospace parts shetmetal

areospace parts shetmetal

Electronics sheetmetal.jpg

Electronics sheetmetal.jpg

aerospace part

aerospace part

electronics part

electronics part

Haas borr halvnarbild

Haas borr halvnarbild

DSC 1084

DSC 1084

Electronics sheetmetal

Electronics sheetmetal

haas drilling iron

haas drilling iron

Let's work together

We’re always ready for the next project. Contact us to discuss how we can assist you with laser marking and screen printing.

Kristoffer Jåfs

Sales Manager

Kristoffer Jåfs

Laser marking and screen printing – part of our comprehensive manufacturing chain 

We are experts in metal manufacturing and processing, offering everything from CNC machining to laser marking and welding. With extensive experience and a skilled team that always goes the extra mile, we deliver high-quality metal components to customers worldwide.